Many of us walk through life like preprogrammed robots, almost zombie-like, without truly understanding the intricacies of who we are. We seldom take the time to unravel why we think, act, and feel the way we do.
Deep within our psyche, there are layers that remain deeply unconscious and inaccessible until we consciously explore them. As long as these layers remain hidden, they will continue to influence our lives through our thoughts, behaviors, and actions.
Some people build walls around themselves, while others burn bridges.
Some individuals become defensive and perceive everything as a personal attack.
Some constantly disagree with everyone and everything, feeling the need to have an opinion on everything.
Some view life as a never-ending competition, striving to win every imaginary battle.
Some relentlessly pursue perfection in everything they do and harshly punish themselves for any mistake.
Some bend over backward to help and please others, seeking acceptance, approval, and love, often ending up disappointed when their efforts go unreciprocated.
Others cling to people obsessively and sacrifice too much for the sake of others.
Some individuals withdraw into their gloomy bedrooms when faced with challenging situations or relationships.
Some smother their loved ones to the point of suffocation.
Some are overly controlling, while others struggle to maintain a relationship beyond two months.
Many sabotage their relationships when things are going exceptionally well or at the first sign of trouble.
Some self-sabotage their financial plans, career goals, or weight loss efforts.
Some turn to excessive eating, drinking, or other forms of escapism.
Addictions, whether to sex, porn, cheating, work, shopping, hoarding, or even excessive exercise, afflict some.
A few adopt a "woe is me" mentality, convinced they can never catch a break and that the world is their enemy, not realizing that the true enemy lies within.
You're not a bad person, and you weren't "just born this way—love me or hate me." Like all of us, you've been shaped by your childhood and life experiences. These are the wounded aspects of ourselves hiding in the shadows of our psyche. Until we acknowledge their existence, they will continue to wreak havoc in our lives.
It's time to take action.