Our consciousness is like a vast fountain, brimming with love, peace, and contentment. Sadly, we often confuse ourselves with the ego-mind, which dwells in a constant state of lack.
This misidentification leads us to believe that our inner cups—the cups of love, happiness, and self-worth—are empty. In our pursuit to fill these cups, we seek love, validation, approval, and acceptance from others.
We yearn for love from others, often loving fiercely to the point of obsession and jealousy. We strive for appreciation, going to great lengths to please and appease others. Validation and approval become our pursuits, as we give excessively, disguising ourselves as selfless and generous individuals.
But when these 'selfless' actions originate from a place of lack, from deep within the shadow of the unloved and unworthy self, they are often not reciprocated. This intensifies our desperation and perpetuates the endless loop of seeking, as we continuously try to fill our cup.
Yet, these cups possess no bottom; they are flawed with invisible holes. As we pour love, happiness, and other sought-after qualities into them, these precious contents slowly seep away. Consequently, we find ourselves trapped in an endless cycle, tirelessly attempting to fill our leaking vessels.
A profound shift occurs when we recognize our true nature as consciousness.
We awaken to the realization that we are, in essence, love, peace, and bliss itself. Instead of fragile cups, we embody an ever-flowing fountain, a source of boundless abundance residing within us.
This inner wellspring ceaselessly provides us with love, happiness, and all that we desire. Not only are our own cups perpetually full, but this abundant flow spills over, generously filling the cups of others.
Cease the outward seeking, and know that you are, in fact, whole.